This Thin Material 3 in 1 Machine with Coil Car, Compact Coil Line Equipment (uncoiler strengthener feeder).
If you face shop floor space constraints, YIMING offers numerous space-saving coil line options. Our space saving lines offer unwinding, straightening, and feeding of coil stock in a compact configuration for coil feeding efficiency and cost-saving floor space utilization.
Light weighting strategies have resulted in increased use of advanced high strength steels, which are challenging stampers during the straightening process prior to feeding the press. To overcome this issue, YIMING has developed a series of space saving coil line machines featuring straightening technology that effectively addresses coil set, as well as crossbow in many situations. These compact coil lines can achieve the flatness required to process high strength, high yield materials - backed by FEA and software utilities that prove the performance capabilities. These space-saving coil line machines are also capable of processing a wider range of materials both thick and thin than conventional equipment. YIMING is able to provide small footprint, large capability compact coil line equipment for your constrained environment.
Hot Tags: compact coil line equipment, China, manufacturers, factory, Zigzag Feeder, Servo Feeder, Press Compact Coil Feeding System, Uncoiler Straightener Feeder, Decoiler Straightener Feeder Machine, Coil Feeder
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